Matt Scott

Matthew Scott embraces the hair industry through his creativity, passion for design and the ability to adapt and change to constant innovations and trends; delivering to his clientele an unrivaled customer experience. A sought-after stylist in Halifax Nova Scotia who has been in the industry for over 20 years. He is in an elite group of stylists who are Redken certified in design, color and finishing. Redken uses the foundation of the principles and teach you the “why”. When you truly understand the principles, your creativity is endless! One of his biggest passions is curly hair. He has done extensive amount of training seeking education from all over North America. This is not a new thing to him as he has been specializing in textured hair his whole career. He credits his success to the many mentors from whom he has learned his craft and facilitation skills. Knowledge is one of the biggest gifts we can pass on to someone else and Matthew lives by that in his everyday life. Always a teacher. If you are looking for an exciting educational and training experience, Matthew will inspire and motivate you to achieve your best that Redken has to offer